Devoted to Empowering Others
My story is simple, but the journey to get here was a bit more complicated. For many years I was a Motivational Leader with Weight Watchers International, and supported thousands of people in making positive changes in their lives. Over time, I found even better and more extensive models for lifestyle improvement that would come to inform my coaching practice and my custom addiction recovery programs that I offer today.
I also struggled with my own life challenges and addictions. I was married and raising two children when my marriage turned toxic and I began to drink to hide my suffering. I joined AA, and am thankful for my almost 14 years of sobriety. I am deeply rooted in many healing communities and have seen the impact that personal connection has had on my healing and the healing of my clients. Now, I am taking those years of pain, growth, and learning, and have turned them into programs to help others like you who may be suffering in a life that isn't the one you pictured for yourself.
Working with me will result in:
increased energy, creativity, vitality, and enthusiasm for life
improved relationships, development of more meaningful connections
steps toward building a sober and happy life
creating sustainable changes in habits to create lifelong health and happiness
As a Certified Life Coach, I have created a multi-layered program that uses introspection, faith and self-love to help individuals, couples, and families investigate and remove their obstacles and become empowered to build a life and lifestyle of sobriety, wellness, and abundance in all areas of their life.
About Me
Robbins Madanes Certified Life Coach
Robbins Madanes Six Human Needs Certification
Weight Watchers Tools for Living Certification
12 Step Recovery
18 years as Motivational Leader at Weight Watchers
14 years with AA, experienced AA Sponsor